Bowel Cancer Brown
The man about town
With never a frown
But he's not a clown
See this is the shit
That comes when you rhyme
And I don't like it
So this is the last time
Bowel Cancer Brown
Starting to sound like the stranglers
But the only constriction is on his anus
Or it would be if he had bowel cancer
But he doesn't
But if he did, that would be the colour his hair was
Dark brown with a hint of red
Other than that he is quite unremarkable
And not really deserving of a poem about him
And I'm starting a line with 'and' once again
But fuck you I can do what I want
He doesn't know I call him Bowel Cancer Brown
His surname isn't even Brown
But he is an arsehole
So let's bring this back round
To Bowel Cancer Brown
Which isn't his name
But that's all part of the poetry game
In essence he's a prick
But this nickname won't stick
Cos I've never mentioned it to anyone
Which makes me a moron
He's a forgettable bastard
And this crap only lasted
Because of the colour of his hair
I think I'll leave it there
I rhymed when I wanted
And didn't when I didnae
If it don't get his bowels
Let's hope it's his kidney